Alumni — Delta Chi

Welcome Fellow Alumni!

First, I would like to thank all of you for the support you have given the Central Missouri Chapter of Delta Chi over the years. If there is one thing I learned during my time as an active member, it's that we have the best alumni network on campus. I truly mean that. No other chapter can say that they hosted an alumni event with over 100 members in attendance (see picture). I think that goes to show how deep and true the bond of Delta Chi is.

Second, if you are a regular attendee to our annual alumni events (Alumni BBQ, Homecoming, Christmas Party, Alumni Weekend, Summer Meeting), please continue to make this a habit. It is great to see familiar faces. Plus, these events are some of the only times of the year you get to hang out with your fellow alumni. If you are an alumni who hasn't attended an event in a while, I encourage you to make time in your schedule to attend. I think the saying goes "The more, the merrier". To sweeten the bribe a little, these events are usually accompanied by good food, cold beverages, storytelling, and plenty of laughs. 

Third, if you don't receive emails from Paul on a regularly, please take some time to fill out the Contact Form on the right side of this page. We, the ABT, are currently making a conscious effort to update the contact information for each Central Missouri Delta Chi Alumni. Don't worry, we won't spam your inbox with requests to donate :). We will only use your contact information to keep you informed on chapter news, alumni news, and updates from Delta Chi Headquarters.

Lastly, as founding father Peter Schermerhorn Johnson once said, "The Fraternity man never graduates. He receives his diploma and leaves his Alma Mater for the larger affairs of the world, but as long as his Chapter stands, he is as much a part and parcel of it as in his undergraduate days, his success is theirs and theirs is his. He belongs to the family for life...". I appreciate you taking the time to read this posting. Thank you again, for all that you do, and will do in the future. 


Cody Schwartz

Recruitment Class Spring 2010

Former ABT & Alumni Association President - "A"


Need to Contact the ABT & Alumni Association Board?

Click on the button below that corresponds with the Alumni Board of Trustees (ABT) member you would like to reach. The button will bring up a contact form to fill out. Once submitted, the ABT Officer will respond at their soonest convenience.